Bible Dictionaries
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chambery

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Founded in 1812 at Chambery, France, by a colony of sisters frorn the mother-house at Lyons. The Rule, based on that of Saint Augustine, was approved in 1874. The congregation, formerly diocesan, then became subject to a superior-general. It has been established in the United States since 1885. The congregation has 147 houses, including parochial and high schools, hospitals, a leper asylum, homes for the aged, workrooms for girls, and orphanages, in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Brazil, and the United States (in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and the dioceses of Hartford and Springfield). The general mother-house is still at Chambery, the provincial house for the United States at Hartford, Connecticut.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chambery'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​s/sisters-of-saint-joseph-of-chambery.html. 1910.