Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(v. i.) To perform the action of cinching; to tighten the cinch; - often with up.


(n.) A variety of auction pitch in which a draw to improve the hand is added, and the five of trumps (called right pedro) and the five of the same color (called left pedro, and ranking between the five and the four of trumps) each count five on the score. Fifty-one points make a game. Called also double pedro and high five.


(v. t.) To put a cinch upon; to girth tightly.


(v. t.) In the game of cinch, to protect (a trick) by playing a higher trump than the five.


(v. t.) To get a sure hold upon; to get into a tight place, as for forcing submission.


(n.) A tight grip.


(n.) A strong saddle girth, as of canvas.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Cinch'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​c/cinch.html. 1828.