Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(n.) Separation into parts or classes; arrangement of anything into parts; disposition; classification.


(n.) The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston; viz., admission, suppression or cutting off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam prior to the next admission.


(n.) The sorting of types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases.


(n.) The act of distributing or dispensing; the act of dividing or apportioning among several or many; apportionment; as, the distribution of an estate among heirs or children.


(n.) That which is distributed.


(n.) A resolving a whole into its parts.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Distribution'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​d/distribution.html. 1828.