Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(v. i.) To throb, as the heart.


(v. i.) To go about, as a drummer does, to gather recruits, to draw or secure partisans, customers, etc,; - with for.


(v. t.) To execute on a drum, as a tune.


(v. t.) (With out) To expel ignominiously, with beat of drum; as, to drum out a deserter or rogue from a camp, etc.


(v. t.) (With up) To assemble by, or as by, beat of drum; to collect; to gather or draw by solicitation; as, to drum up recruits; to drum up customers.


(v. i.) To beat with the fingers, as with drumsticks; to beat with a rapid succession of strokes; to make a noise like that of a beaten drum; as, the ruffed grouse drums with his wings.


(n.) A noisy, tumultuous assembly of fashionable people at a private house; a rout.


(n.) One of the cylindrical, or nearly cylindrical, blocks, of which the shaft of a column is composed; also, a vertical wall, whether circular or polygonal in plan, carrying a cupola or dome.


(n.) A tea party; a kettledrum.


(v. i.) To beat a drum with sticks; to beat or play a tune on a drum.


(n.) A cylinder on a revolving shaft, generally for the purpose of driving several pulleys, by means of belts or straps passing around its periphery; also, the barrel of a hoisting machine, on which the rope or chain is wound.


(n.) See Drumfish.


(n.) Anything resembling a drum in form


(n.) An instrument of percussion, consisting either of a hollow cylinder, over each end of which is stretched a piece of skin or vellum, to be beaten with a stick; or of a metallic hemisphere (kettledrum) with a single piece of skin to be so beaten; the common instrument for marking time in martial music; one of the pair of tympani in an orchestra, or cavalry band.


(n.) The tympanum of the ear; - often, but incorrectly, applied to the tympanic membrane.


(n.) A small cylindrical box in which figs, etc., are packed.


(n.) A sheet iron radiator, often in the shape of a drum, for warming an apartment by means of heat received from a stovepipe, or a cylindrical receiver for steam, etc.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Drum'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​d/drum.html. 1828.