Bible Dictionaries
En (2)

Webster's Dictionary


A prefix from Gr. / in, meaning in; as, encephalon, entomology. See In-.


A prefix signifying in or into, used in many English words, chiefly those borrowed from the French. Some English words are written indifferently with en-or in-. For ease of pronunciation it is commonly changed to em-before p, b, and m, as in employ, embody, emmew. It is sometimes used to give a causal force, as in enable, enfeeble, to cause to be, or to make, able, or feeble; and sometimes merely gives an intensive force, as in enchasten. See In-.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'En (2)'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​e/en-2.html. 1828.