Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(n.) A kind of match made of paper impregnated with niter and having the usual igniting tip.


(n.) A friction match for smokers' use having a bulbous head which when ignited is not easily blown out even in a gale of wind.


(n.) A similar wheel used in other machinery.


(n.) A fuse. See Fuse, n.


(n.) A flintlock gun. See 2d Fusil.


(n.) A kind of match for lighting a pipe or cigar.


(n.) A signal used principally for the protection of trains, consisting of a tube filled with a composition which burns with a bright colored light for a definite time.


(n.) The cone or conical wheel of a watch or clock, designed to equalize the power of the mainspring by having the chain from the barrel which contains the spring wind in a spiral groove on the surface of the cone in such a manner that the diameter of the cone at the point where the chain acts may correspond with the degree of tension of the spring.


(n.) A small packet of explosive material with wire appendages allowing it to be conveniently attached to a railroad track. It will explode with a loud report when run over by a train, and is used to provide a warning signal to the engineer.


(n.) The track of a buck.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Fusee'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​f/fusee.html. 1828.