Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(a.) Fitted to contain air; Having cavities filled with air; as, pneumatic cells; pneumatic bones.


(a.) Adapted for containing compressed air; inflated with air; as, a pneumatic cushion; a pneumatic tire, a tire formed of an annular tube of flexible fabric, as India rubber, suitable for being inflated with air.


(a.) Consisting of, or resembling, air; having the properties of an elastic fluid; gaseous; opposed to dense or solid.


(a.) Of or pertaining to air, or to elastic fluids or their properties; pertaining to pneumatics; as, pneumatic experiments.


(a.) Moved or worked by pressure or flow of air; as, a pneumatic instrument; a pneumatic engine.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Pneumatical'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​p/pneumatical.html. 1828.