Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(a.) Of or pertaining to a verb; as, a verbal group; derived directly from a verb; as, a verbal noun; used in forming verbs; as, a verbal prefix.


(a.) Expressed in words, whether spoken or written, but commonly in spoken words; hence, spoken; oral; not written; as, a verbal contract; verbal testimony.


(a.) Consisting in, or having to do with, words only; dealing with words rather than with the ideas intended to be conveyed; as, a verbal critic; a verbal change.


(a.) Having word answering to word; word for word; literal; as, a verbal translation.


(a.) Abounding with words; verbose.


(n.) A noun derived from a verb.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Verbal'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​v/verbal.html. 1828.