Bible Encyclopedias
Alexandre Antoine Hureau de Senarmont

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

ALEXANDRE ANTOINE HUREAU DE SENARMONT (1769-1810), French artillery general, was born at Strassburg, and educated at the Metz school for engineer and artillery cadets. In 1785 he was commissioned in the artillery, in which he served as a regimental officer for fifteen years. In 1800 he won great credit both by his exertions in bringing the artillery of the Army of Reserve over the Alps and by his handling of guns in the battle of Marengo. In 1806, as a general of brigade, and commander of the artillery of an army corps, he took part in the Jena. and Eylau campaigns. But he is remembered chiefly in connexion with the "caseshot attack" which was the central feature of Napoleon's matured tactical system, and which Senarmont put into execution for the first time at Friedland. For this feat he was made a baron, and in 1808 he was promoted general of division by Napoleon on the field of battle in front of Madrid. He was killed at the siege of Cadiz on the 26th of October 1810.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Alexandre Antoine Hureau de Senarmont'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​a/alexandre-antoine-hureau-de-senarmont.html. 1910.