Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

(I) A town of N. Russia, in the government of Archangel, on the harbour of Catherine (Ekaterininsk), on the Murman coast, 5 m. from the mouth of Kola Bay. It was opened in 1899 and is a naval station, being free from ice all the year round. It is also called Port Catherine. Pop. (1901) 300. (2) A town of S. Russia, 83 m. S. of Ekaterinoslav, on the railway to the Crimea, near the left bank of the Dnieper, below its rapids. Pop. (1897) 16,393. Opposite it is the island of Khortitsa, upon which was the sich (or syech) or camp of the ZaporozhianCossacks. All its neighbourhood is strewn with kurgans (tumuli).

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Alexandrovsk'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​a/alexandrovsk.html. 1910.