Bible Encyclopedias
Alphonso V of Portugal

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

V., "Africano," was born in 1432, and succeeded his father Edward in 1438. During his minority he was placed under the regency, first of his mother and latterly of his uncle, Dom Pedro. In 1448 he assumed the reins of government and at the same time married Isabella, Dom Pedro's daughter. In the following year, being led by what he afterwards discovered to be false representations, he declared Dom Pedro a rebel and defeated his army in a battle at Alfarrobeira, in which his uncle was slain. In 1458, and with more numerous forces in 1471, Kings of Portugal. Asturias as king of the Goths after the Arab conquest. He is also said to have been the son of Peter, duke of Cantabria. It is not improbable that he was in fact an hereditary chief of the Basques, but no contemporary records exist. His title of" the Catholic " itself may very well have been the invention of later chronicles. Alphonso Ii. (789-842), his reputed grandson, bears the name of " the Chaste." The Arab writers who speak of the Spanish kings of the north-west as the Beni-Alfons, appear to recognize them as a royal stock derived from Alphonso I. The events of his reign are in reality unknown. Poets of a later generation invented the story of the secret marriage of his sister Ximena with Sancho, count of Saldana, and the feats of their son Bernardo del Carpio. Bernardo is the hero of a cantar de gesta (chanson de geste ) written to please the anarchical spirit of the nobles.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Alphonso V of Portugal'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​a/alphonso-v-of-portugal.html. 1910.