Bible Encyclopedias
Andrea Briosco

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

ANDREA BRIOSCO ( c. 1470-1532), Italian sculptor and architect,known as Riccio ("curly-headed"), was born at Padua. In architecture he is known by the church of Sta Giustina in his native city, but he is most famous as a worker in metal. His masterpieces are the bronze Paschal candelabrum (II ft. high) in the choir of the Santo (S. Antonio) at Padua (1515), and the two bronze reliefs (1507) of "David dancing before the Ark" and "Judith and Holofernes" in the same church. His bronze and marble tomb of the physician Girolamo della Torre in San Fermo at Verona was beautifully decorated with reliefs, which were taken away by the French and are now in the Louvre. A number of other works which emanated from his workshop are attributed to him; and he has been suggested, but doubtfully, as the author of a fine bronze relief, a "Dance of Nymphs," in the Wallace collection at Hertford House, London.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Andrea Briosco'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​a/andrea-briosco.html. 1910.