Bible Encyclopedias
Benedict X

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

X. (Johannes "Mincius," i.e. the lout or dolt, bishop of Velletri) was pope from 1058 to 1059. He was elected on the death of Stephen IX. through the influence of the Roman barons, who, however, had pledged themselves to take no action without Hildebrand, who was then absent from Rome. Hildebrand did not recognize him, and put forward an opposition pope in the person of Gerard, bishop of Florence (pope as Nicholas II.), whom he supported against the Roman aristocracy. With the help of the Normans, Hildebrand seized the castle of Galeria, where Benedict had taken refuge, and degraded him to the rank of a simple priest. (L. D.*)

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Benedict X'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​b/benedict-x.html. 1910.