Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

(or Bos), Jerom (c. 1460-1518), the name generally given, from his birthplace Hertogenbosch, to Hieronymus van Aeken, the Dutch painter. He was probably a pupil of Albert Ouwater, and may be called the Breughel of the 15th century, for he devoted himself to the invention of bizarre types, diableries, and scenes of the kind generally associated with Breughel, whose art is to a great extent based on Bosch's. He was a satirist much in advance of his time, and one of the most original and ingenious artists of the 15th century. He exercised great influence on Lucas Cranach, who frequently copied his paintings. His works were much admired in Spain, especially by Philip II., at whose court Bosch painted for some time. One of his chief works is the "Last Judgment" at the Berlin gallery, which also owns a little "St Jerome in the Desert." "The Fall of the Rebellious Angels" and the "St Anthony" triptych are in the Brussels museum, and two important triptychs are at the Munich gallery. The Lippmann collection in Berlin contains an important "Adoration of the Magi," the Antwerp museum a "Passion," and a practically unknown painting from his brush is at the Naples museum.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Bosch'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​b/bosch.html. 1910.