Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

'CEBES, the name of two Greek philosophers. (I) Cebes Of C y zlcus, mentioned in Athenaeus (iv. 156 D), seems to have been a Stoic, who lived during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. Some would attribute to him the Tabula Cebetis (see below),but as that work was well known in the time of Lucian, it is probably to be placed earlier. (2) Cebes Of Thebes, a disciple of Socrates and Philolaus. He is one of the speakers in the Phaedo of Plato, in which he is represented as an earnest seeker after virtue and truth, keen in argument and cautious in decision. Three dialogues, the E0M s , the Ipiwt os and the ]Iiva or Tabula, are attributed to him by Suidas and Diogenes Laertius. The two former are lost, and most scholars deny the authenticity of the Tabula on the ground of material and verbal anachronisms. They attribute it either to Cebes of Cyzicus (above) or to an anonymous author, of the ist century A.D., who assumed the character of Cebes of Thebes. The work professes to be an interpretation of an allegorical picture in the temple of Cronus at Athens or Thebes. The author develops the Platonic theory of pre-existence, and shows that true education consists not in mere erudition, but rather in the formation of character.

The' Tabula has been widely translated both into European languages and into Arabic (the latter version published with the Greek text and Latin translation by Salmasius in 1640). It is usually printed together with Epictetus. Separate editions by C. S. Jerram (with introduction and notes, 1878), C. Prachter (1893), and many others. See Zeller's History of Greek Philosophy; F. Klopfer, De Cebetis Tabula (1818-1822); C. Prdchter, Cebetis Tabula quanam aetate conscripta esse videatur (1885).

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Cebes'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​c/cebes.html. 1910.