Bible Encyclopedias
Giulio Caccini

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

GIULIO CACCINI (1558-1615?), Italian musical composer, also known as Giulio Romano, but to be distinguished from the painter of that name, was born at Rome about 1558, and in 1578 entered the service of the grand duke of Tuscany at Florence. He collaborated with J. Peri in the early attempts at musical drama which were the ancestors of modern opera ( Dafne, 1 594, and Euridice, 1600), produced at Florence by the circle of musicians and amateurs which met at the houses of G. Bardi and Corsi. He also published in 1601 Le nuove musiche, a collection of songs which is of great importance in the history of singing as well as in that of the transition period of musical composition. He was a lyric composer rather than a dramatist like Peri, and the genuine beauty of his works makes them acceptable even at the present day.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Giulio Caccini'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​g/giulio-caccini.html. 1910.