Bible Encyclopedias
Henry Hugh Armstead

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

HENRY HUGH ARMSTEAD (1828-1905), English sculptor, was first trained as a silversmith, and achieved the highest excellence with the "St George's Vase" and the "Outram Shield." He rose to the front rank among contemporary sculptors, his chief works being the external sculptural decorations of the colonial office in Whitehall, the sculptures on the southern and eastern sides of the podium of the Albert Memorial, the large fountain at King's College, Cambridge, and numerous effigies, such as "Bishop Wilberforce" at Winchester, and "Lord John Thynne" at Westminster, with smaller portraiture and much ideal work. His sense of style and nobility was remarkable; and he was besides gifted with a fine power of design and draughtsmanship, which he put to good use in his early years for book illustration. He was elected associate of the Royal Academy in 1875 and a full member in 1880.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Henry Hugh Armstead'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​h/henry-hugh-armstead.html. 1910.