Bible Encyclopedias
Jean Francois Victor Aicard

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

JEAN FRANCOIS VICTOR AICARD (1848-), French poet and dramatist, was born at Toulon on the 4th of February 1848. His father, Jean Aicard, was a journalist of some distinction, and the son early began his career in 1867 with Les Jeunes Croyances, followed in 1870 by a one-act play produced at the Marseilles theatre. His poems include: Les Rebellions et les apaisements (1871); Poemes de Provence (1874), and La Chanson de 1' enfant (1876), both of which were crowned by the Academy; Miette et Nore (1880), a Proven� idyll; Le Livre d'heures de l'amour (1887); Jesus (1896), &c. Of his plays the most successful was Le Pere Lebonnard (1890), which was originally produced at the Theatre Libre. Among his other works are the novels, Le Roi de Camargue (1890), L': L ime d'un enfant (1898) and Tatas (1901), Benjamine (1906) and La Venus de Milo (1874), an account of the discovery of the statue from unpublished documents.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Jean Francois Victor Aicard'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​j/jean-francois-victor-aicard.html. 1910.