Bible Encyclopedias
Louis Adolphe Cochery

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

LOUIS ADOLPHE COCHERY (1819-1900), French statesman, was born at Paris. After studying law he soon entered politics, and was on the staff of the ministry of justice after the revolution of February 1848. From the coup d'etat of 1851 to May 1869 he devoted himself to journalism. Then, elected deputy by the department of the Loiret, he joined the group of the Left Centre, and was a supporter of the revolution of the 4th of September 1870. His talent in finance won him a distinguished place in the chamber. From 1879 till 1885 he was minister of posts and telegraphs, and in January 1888 he was elected to the senate. He died in 1900.

His SOn, Georges Charles Paul, born in 1855, was in his father's department from 1879 till 1885, deputy from 1885, five times president of the Budget Commission, minister of finance (1895-1898) and vice-president of the chamber (1898-1902), and again finance minister in the Briand Cabinet, 1909.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Louis Adolphe Cochery'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​l/louis-adolphe-cochery.html. 1910.