Bible Encyclopedias
Marie Cottin

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

MARIE COTTIN [called ] (1770-1807), French novelist,. née Risteau (not Ristaud), was born in Paris in 1770. At seventeen she married a Bordeaux banker, who died three years after, when she retired to a house in the country at Champlan,. where she spent the rest of her life. In 1799 she published anonymously her Claire d'Albe. Malvina (1801) was also anonymous; but the success of Amelie Mansfield (1803) induced her to reveal her identity. In 1805 appeared Mathilde, an extravagant crusading story, and in 1806 she produced her last tale, the famous Elisabeth, ou les exiles de Siberia, the subject of which was treated later with an admirable simplicity by Xavier de Maistre. Sainte-Beuve asserted that she committed suicide on account of an unfortunate attachment. This story is, however,.

unauthenticated. She died at Champlan (Seine et Oise) on the 25th of April 1807.

A complete edition of her works, with a notice by A. Petitot, was published, in five volumes, in 1817.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Marie Cottin'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​m/marie-cottin.html. 1910.