Bible Encyclopedias
May Sinclair

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

"MAY (-) SINCLAIR, English author, was born at Rock Ferry, Cheshire, and educated at the Ladies' College, Cheltenham. She began her career by writing verse and philosophical criticism. In 1895 she published her first short story, followed in 1896 by her first novel Audrey Craven. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Tyson appeared in 1898 and Two Sides of a Question in 1900. But it was not until she published The Divine Fire in 1904 that she became widely known. It was followed by The Helpmate (1907); Kitty Tailleur (1908); The Creators (1910); The Combined Maze (1913); The Three Sisters (1914); Tasker Jevons (1916); The Tree of Heaven (1917); Mary Olivier (1919) and The Romantic (1920), as well as one or two volumes of short stories. In A Defence of Idealism (1917) Miss Sinclair published acute criticisms of modern philosophic theories, and in a Journal of Impressions in Belgium (1915) she gave her experiences in the autumn of 1914 as a member of an advance field ambulance.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'May Sinclair'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​m/may-sinclair.html. 1910.