Bible Encyclopedias
McKees Rocks

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

A borough of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., on the Ohio river, about 3 m. N.W. of Pittsburg. Pop. (1890) 1687; (1900) 6352 (1264 foreign-born); (1910) 14,702. McKees Rocks is served by the Pittsburg & Lake Erie and the Pittsburg, Chartiers & Youghiogheny railways, the latter a short line extending (13 m.) to Beechmont. Bituminous coal and natural gas are found in the vicinity, and the borough ships coal and lumber, and has various important manufactures. There is an ancient Indian mound here. The first settlement was made in 1830, and the borough incorporated in 1892.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'McKees Rocks'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​m/mckees-rocks.html. 1910.