Bible Encyclopedias
Michel Marie Charles Verlat

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

Coup de collier" (now in the Antwerp Gallery) at the Paris Salon. In 1866 he was appointed director of the Academy at Weimar, where he painted some fine portraits, notably those of the grand-duchess of Saxony and of the musician Liszt. Soon after his return to Antwerp in 1875 he visited Palestine, and brought back a large number of interesting pictures, including "Vox Populi" (Antwerp Gallery), "The Tomb of Jesus," and "The Flight into Egypt." In 1885 he was appointed director of the Antwerp. Academy. Other important works by Verlat are the panoramas of the battle of Waterloo and the treaty of San Stefano, "Christ between the Two Thieves," "Defending the Flock" (Antwerp Gallery), "Oxen Ploughing in Palestine" (Antwerp Gallery), "Godfrey of Bouillon at the Siege of Jerusalem" (Brussels Gallery), and "Sheep-Dog Defending the Flock" (Brussels Gallery). He executed a series of original etchings, and published in 1879 a book on the Antwerp Academy. He died at Antwerp on the 23rd of October 1890.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Michel Marie Charles Verlat'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​m/michel-marie-charles-verlat.html. 1910.