Bible Encyclopedias
Michel Mathieu Lecointe-Puyraveau

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

LECOINTE . PUYRAVEAU, MICHEL Mathieu (1764-1827), French politician, was born at Saint-Maixent (Deux-Sevres) on the 13th of December 1764. Deputy for his department to the Legislative Assembly in 1792, and to the Convention in the same year, he voted for "the death of the tyrant." His association with the Girondins nearly involved him in their fall, in spite of his vigorous republicanism. He took part in the revolution of Thermidor, but protested against the establishment of the Directory, and continually pressed for severer measures against the émigrés, and even their relations who had remained in France. He was secretary and then president of the Council of Five Hundred, and under the Consulate a member of the Tribunate. He took no part in public affairs under the Empire, but was lieutenant-general of police for south-east France during the Hundred Days. After Waterloo he took ship from Toulon, but the ship was driven back by a storm and he narrowly escaped massacre at Marseilles. After six weeks' imprisonment in the Chateau d'If he returned to Paris, escaping, after the proscription of the regicides, to Brussels, where he died on the 15th of January 1827.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Michel Mathieu Lecointe-Puyraveau'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​m/michel-mathieu-lecointe-puyraveau.html. 1910.