Bible Encyclopedias
Nicomedes II

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

II., Epiphanes, king of Bithynia, 149-91 B.C., fourth in descent from Nicomedes I., was the son of Prusias II. He was so popular with the people that his father sent him to Rome. Here he was so much favoured by the senate that Prusias sent an emissary to Rome with secret orders to assassinate him. But the emissary revealed the plot, and persuaded the prince to rebel against his father. Supported by Attalus II., king of Pergamum, he was completely successful, and ordered his father to be put to death at Nicomedia. During his long reign Nicomedes adhered steadily to the Roman alliance, and assisted them. against Aristonicus of Pergamum. He made himself for a timemaster of Paphlagonia, and in order to have a claim on Cappadocia married Laodice (the widow of Ariarathes VI.), who had. fled to him when Mithradates the Great endeavoured to annex. the country. When her two sons died, Nicomedes brought. forward an impostor as a claimant to the throne; but the plot was detected. The Romans refused to recognize the claim, and required Nicomedes to give up all pretensions to Cappadocia and to abandon Paphlagonia.

Appian, Mithrad. 4-7; Strabo xiii. 624, 646; Diod. Sic. xxxii_ 20, 21; Justin xxxiv. 4, xxxvii. 4, xxxviii. I, 2.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Nicomedes II'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​n/nicomedes-ii.html. 1910.