Bible Encyclopedias
Pierre Emile Levasseur

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

PIERRE EMILE LEVASSEUR (1828-), French economist, was born in Paris on the 8th of December 1828. Educated in Paris, he began to teach in the lycee at Alencon in 1852, and in 1857 was chosen professor of rhetoric at Besancon. He returned to Paris to become professor at the lycee Saint Louis, and in 1868 he was chosen a member of the academy of moral and political sciences. In 1872 he was appointed professor of geography, history and statistics in the College de France, and subsequently became also professor at the Conservatoire des arts et métiers and at the Ecole libre des sciences politiques. Levasseur was one of the founders of the study of commercial geography, and became a member of the Council of Public Instruction, president of the French society of political economy and honorary president of the French geographical society.

His numerous writings include: Histoire des classes ouvrieres en France depuis la conquete de Jules Cesar jusqu'd la Revolution (1859); Histoire des classes ouvrieres en France depuis la Revolution jusqu'd nos jours (1867); L'Etude et l'enseignement de la geographie (1871); La Population francaise (1889-1892); L' Agriculture aux EtatsUnis (1894); L'Enseignement primaire dans les pays civilises (1897); L'Ouvrier americain (1898); Questions ouvrieres et industrielles sous la troisieme Republique (1907); and Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de l'industrie en France de 1789 a 1870 (1903-1904). He also published a Grand Atlas de geographic physique et politique (1890-1892).

The 1922 extension to the 1911 encyclopedia has updated information on this subject.
See Pierre Emile Levasseur (addition) for this information.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Pierre Emile Levasseur'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​p/pierre-emile-levasseur.html. 1910.