Bible Encyclopedias
Pierre Jean Beckx

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

PIERRE JEAN BECKX (1795-1887), general of the Society of Jesus, was born at Sichem in Belgium on the 8th of February 1795, and entered the novitiate of the order at Hildesheim in 1819. His first important post was as procurator for the province of Austria, 1847; next year he became rector of the Jesuit college at Louvain, and, after serving as secretary to the provincials of Belgium and Austria, was elected head of the order in 1853. His tenure of office was marked by an increased zeal for missions in Protestant lands, and by the removal of the society's headquarters from Rome to Fiesole near Florence in 1870. His chief literary work was the often-translated Month of Mary (Vienna, 1843). He retired in September 1883, being succeeded by Anthony M. Anderledy, a Swiss, who had seen service in the United States. He died at Rome on the 4th of March 1887.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Pierre Jean Beckx'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​p/pierre-jean-beckx.html. 1910.