Bible Encyclopedias
Pompeo Girolamo Batoni

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

POMPEO GIROLAMO BATONI (1708-1787), Italian painter, was born at Lucca. He was regarded in Italy as a great painter in the 18th century, and unquestionably did much to rescue the art from the intense mannerism into which it had fallen during the preceding century. His paintings, however, are not of the highest order of merit, though they are generally graceful, well designed, and harmoniously coloured. His best production is thought to be his group of "Peace and War." Batoni painted an unusual number of pictures, and was also celebrated for his portraits.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Pompeo Girolamo Batoni'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​p/pompeo-girolamo-batoni.html. 1910.