Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

the reputed ancestor of the line of dukes and kings which ruled in Bohemia from 873 or earlier until the murder of Wenceslaus III. in 1306, and which was known as the Pfemyslide dynasty. According to legend Pfemysl was a peasant of Staditz who attracted the notice of Libussa, daughter of a certain Krok, who ruled over a large part of Bohemia, and is said to have been descended from Samo. Pfemysl married Libussa, the traditional foundress of Prague, and during the 8th century became prince of the Bohemian Cechs. His family became extinct when Wenceslaus III. died, but through females the title to Bohemia passed from the Pfemyslides to the house of Luxemburg and later to the house of Habsburg.

See F. Palacky, Geschichte von Bohmen, Bd. I. (Prague, 1844).

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Premysl'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​p/premysl.html. 1910.