Bible Encyclopedias
Savari de Mauleon

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

SAVARI DE MAULEON (d. 1236), French soldier, was the son of Raoul de Mauleon, vicomte de Thouars and lord of Mauleon (now Chatillon-sur-Sevre). Having espoused the cause of Arthur of Brittany, he was captured at Mirebeau (1202), and imprisoned in the château of Corfe. But John set him at liberty in 1204, gained him to his side and named him seneschal of Poitou (1205). In 1211 Savari de Mauleon assisted Raymond VI. count of Toulouse, and with him besieged Simon de Montfort in Castelnaudary. Philip Augustus bought his services in 1212 and gave him command of a fleet which was destroyed in the Flemish port of Damme. Then Mauleon returned to John, whom he aided in his struggle with the barons in 1215. He was one of those whom John designated on his deathbed for a council of regency (1216). Then he went to Egypt (1219), and was present at the taking of Damietta. Returning to Poitou he was a second time seneschal for the king of England. He defended Saintonge against Louis VIII. in 1224, but was accused of having given La Rochelle up to the king of France, and the suspicions of the English again threw him back upon the French. Louis VIII. then turned over to him the defence of La Rochelle and the coast of Saintonge. In 1227 he took part in the rising of the barons of Poitiers and Anjou against the young Louis IX. He enjoyed a certain reputation for his poems in the langue d'oc. See Chilhaud-Dumaine, "Savari de Mauleon," in Positions des Theses des eleves de l'Ecole des Chartes (1877); Histoire litteraire de la France, xviii. 671-682.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Savari de Mauleon'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/savari-de-mauleon.html. 1910.