Bible Encyclopedias
Sergius I

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

I., pope from 687 to 701, came of an Antiochene family which had settled at Palermo. He was elected after a fierce struggle between two other candidates, Paschal and Theodore. In the second year of his pontificate he baptized King Ceadwalla of Wessex at. Rome. For rejecting certain canons of the Trullan (Quinisext) council of 692, Justinian II. commanded his arrest and transportation to Constantinople, but the militia of Ravenna and the Pentapolis forced the imperial protospatharius to abandon the attempt to carry out his orders. Sergius was followed by John VI. as pope.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sergius I'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sergius-i.html. 1910.