Bible Encyclopedias
Sir Henry Joseph Wood

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

"SIR HENRY JOSEPH WOOD (1869-), English conductor and musician, was born in London March 3 1869. His musical education was largely received at the Royal Academy of Music and when only ten years old he became deputy organist at St. Mary's, Aldermanbury. As a conductor, he first appeared in 1889, when he joined the Rousbey opera company, and for some years he toured with various companies, including the Carl Rosa (1891). In 1895 the Queen's Hall concerts were started under a system of guarantees, with Henry Wood as conductor and Robert Newman as manager. Under his conductorship the standard of English orchestral playing was notably raised, and his work for music in London was deservedly honoured by a knighthood in 1911. He married, first, in 1898, a Russian lady, Princess Olga Ourousoff (d. 1909); second, in 1911, Muriel, daughter of Major Greatrex.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sir Henry Joseph Wood'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sir-henry-joseph-wood.html. 1910.