Bible Encyclopedias
Sir John Borlase, Bart Warren

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

Bart. (1753-]]1822), English admiral, was born at Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, on the 2nd of September 1753, being the son and heir of John Boriase Warren (d. 1775) of Stapleford and Little Marlow. He was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and in 1771 entered the navy as an able seaman; in 1774 he became member of parliament for Marlow; and in 1775 he was created a baronet, the baronetcy held by his ancestors, the Borlases, having become extinct in 1689. His career as a seaman really began in 1777, and two years later he obtained command of a ship. In April 1 794, in charge of a squadron of frigates, Warren captured three French frigates, and in similar ways he did excellent service for some time in protecting British trade. In 1796 he is said to have ca p tured or destroyed 220 vessels. Perhaps his best deed in the service was the defeat in October 1798 of a French fleet, carrying 5000 men, which it was intended to land in Ireland, a plan which he completely frustrated. In 1802 he was sent to St Petersburg as ambassador extraordinary, but he did not forsake the sea, and in 1806 he captured a large French warship, the "Marengo." He became an admiral in 1810, and was commander-in-chief on the North American station in 1813-1814. He died on the 27th of February 1822. His two sons predeceased their father, and his daughter and heiress, Frances Maria (1784-1837), married George Charles Venables-Vernon, 4th Lord Vernon (1779-1835). Their son was George John Warren Vernon, 5th Lord Vernon (1803-1866).

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sir John Borlase, Bart Warren'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sir-john-borlase-bart-warren.html. 1910.