Bible Encyclopedias
Sir John Edward Arthur Murray, Bart Scott

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

"SIR JOHN EDWARD ARTHUR MURRAY SCOTT, Bart. (1847-1912), English art collector, was born at Boulogne Feb. 23 1847. The son of an English doctor at Boulogne, he became secretary to Sir Richard Wallace, heir of the 4th Marquess of Hertford. He helped Sir Richard to organize relief for the sufferers of the siege of Paris in 1870, and after the siege, to transport the treasures of the Hertford art collection from Paris to Bethnal Green museum. It was largely through his influence that Sir Richard Wallace's widow left the collection en bloc to the British nation, together with Hertford house, and he acted as chairman of the trustees' committee until his death. He became a trustee of the National Gallery in 1897, was created a baronet in 1899, and a K.C.B. in 1908. He died in London Jan. 17 1912.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sir John Edward Arthur Murray, Bart Scott'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sir-john-edward-arthur-murray-bart-scott.html. 1910.