Bible Encyclopedias
Sir John Tomlinson Brunner

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

"SIR JOHN TOMLINSON BRUNNER, 1ST Bart. (1842-1919), British chemist, was born at Everton near Liverpool Feb. 8 1842, the son of a schoolmaster of Swiss nationality. Educated in his father's school he entered a Liverpool merchant's office in 1857, and in 1873 established, with the distinguished chemist Ludwig Mond ( see 18.693), the alkali works at Northwich which became the largest in the world. He was a member of several royal commissions, represented Northwich in Parliament during 1885-6 and again from 1887 to 1909, was created a baronet in 1895 and a privy councillor in 1906. His public benefactions, especially to Northwich and Runcorn, were numerous, and he also gave largely to Liverpool University. He died at Chertsey July 1 r919.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sir John Tomlinson Brunner'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sir-john-tomlinson-brunner.html. 1910.