Bible Encyclopedias
Sir Thomas Lauder, Bart Brunton

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

"SIR THOMAS LAUDER BRUNTON, Bart. (1844-1916), British physician, was born at Hiltonshill, Roxburgh, March 14 1844. He was educated at Edinburgh, where he graduated M.B. in 1866 and M.D. in 1868, also studying for short periods at Leipzig, Berlin, Vienna and Paris. In 1870 he was appointed assistant physician to St. Bartholomew's hospital, with which he was connected for the rest of his life, both as physician and lecturer. One of his most noteworthy discoveries was the introduction of nitrate of amyl for the relief of angina pectoris (1867). In 1886 he was a member of the commission which investigated the Pasteur discoveries, and in 1889 went to Hyderabad on the invitation of the Nizam to conduct experiments on the results of the administration of chloroform. He was knighted in 1900 and created a baronet in 1908. Lauder Brunton published various valuable works, including A TextBook of Pharmacology, Materia Medial and Therapeutics (1892); Lectures on the Action of Medicines (1897) and Therapeutics of the Circulation (1908). He died in London Sept. 16 1916.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sir Thomas Lauder, Bart Brunton'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sir-thomas-lauder-bart-brunton.html. 1910.