Bible Encyclopedias
Sir William Edmund Garstin

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

"SIR WILLIAM EDMUND GARSTIN (1849-), British engineer, was born in India Jan. 29 1849. Educated at Cheltenham College and King's College, London, he in 1872 entered the Indian Public Works Department. In 1885 he was transferred to Egypt, and in 1892 became Inspector-General of Irrigation in Egypt and Under-Secretary of State for Public Works. He was created K.C.M.G. in 1897 and G.C.M.G. in 1902, and in 1907 was appointed British Government director of the Suez Canal Company. During the World War he was engaged on Red Cross work in England, and was in 1918 created G.B.E.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sir William Edmund Garstin'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sir-william-edmund-garstin.html. 1910.