Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

in organic chemistry, a series of heterocyclic compounds containing the grouping shown below; the replaceable hydrogen atoms in which are designated a, (3 and µ. They are prepared by condensing thio-amides with a-haloid ketones or aldehydes, the thio-amide reacting as the tautomeric thio-imino acid. Amino derivatives similarly result from thio-ureas and a-haloid ketones; the oxy derivatives from a-sulphocyanoketones by the action of caustic alkali; and the carboxylic acids from chloro-aceto-acetic ester, &c. and thioamides. The thiazoles are somewhat basic in character, and combine with the alkyl iodides to form thiazolium iodides.

Dihydrothiazoles, or thiazolines, are obtained by condensing ethylene dibromides with thio-amides; by the action of a-haloid alkylamines on thio-amides (S. Gabriel, Ber., 1891, 4, 7 3; 1896, 29, p. 2610); and by the action of phosphorus pentasulphide on acyl-O-bromalkylamides (A. Salomon, Ber., 1893, 26, p. 1328). They are much less stable than the thiazoles. The benzothiazoles are a series of weak bases formed by condensing carboxylic acids with ortho-aminothiophenols (A. W. Hofmann, Ber., 1880, 13, p. 1224); by heating the acid anilides with sulphur or by the oxidation of thio-anilides. On fusion with caustic alkalis they decompose into their constituent aminothiophenol and acid. Derivatives of this group are important as substantive cotton dyestuffs.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Thiazoles'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​t/thiazoles.html. 1910.