Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

a river of Perthshire, Scotland. Discharging from Loch Rannoch, it flows eastward to a point near the Falls of Tummel, where it bends to the S.E., a direction which it maintains until it falls into the Tay, just below Logierait, after a course of 58 m. from its source in Stob Ghabbar (3565 ft.). Its only considerable affluent is the Garry, 24 m. long, an impetuous river which issues from Loch Garry (22 m. long, 4 m. wide, and 1 334 ft. above the sea). About midway in its course the Turnmel expands into Loch Tummel (24 m. long, z m. wide, 128 ft. deep, and soo ft. above the sea), between which and the confluence with the Garry occur the Pass and Falls of the Tummel, which are rather in the nature of rapids, the descent altogether amounting to 15 ft. The scenery throughout this reach is most picturesque, culminating at the point above the eastern extremity of the loch, known as Queen Victoria's View. The chief places of interest on the river are Kinloch Rannoch; Dunalastair, a rocky hill in well-wooded grounds, the embellishment of which was largely due to Alexander Robertson of Struan (1670-1749), the Jacobite and poet, from whom the spot takes its name ("the stronghold of Alexander"); Foss; Faskally House (beautifully situated on the left bank); Pitlochry; and Ballinluig.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Tummel'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​t/tummel.html. 1910.