Bible Encyclopedias

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

(Lat. ALGERUS) OF LIEGE (or OF CLUNY), a learned French priest, was born about 1055 at Liege. He studied at his native place, where he was appointed deacon of St. Bartholonew's. About 1100 bishop Otbert made him canon of the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Lambert, where he labored for twenty years. In 1121 he retired to the monastery at Cluny, where he died about 1132. As an ecclesiastical writer he was very prominent. He wrote, Tractatus Ecclesiasticis Negotiis et Catholicce Fidei Valde Utiles: De Sacramentis Corporis et Sanguinis Domini Libri III (published by Erasmus, who called this work "Opus pium juxta ac doctum" [Basle, 1530, and reprinted in the Bibl. Patr. Lugd. 21, 251 sq.]): Tractatus de Misericordia et Justitia (published by Mabillon in his Vetera Analecta [Paris, 1723], p. 129 sq.; by Martene in his Thesaur. Nov. Anecdot. 5, 1019; and reprinted by Migne in vol. 158 of his patrology): Tracatus de Gratia et Libero Arbitrio (published in vol. 4 of the Thesaur. Anecdot. pt. 2, p. 114 sq.). A part of his Letters and his History of the Church of Liege have been lost. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Richter, Beitrdge (Leips. 1834), p. 7-17; Hiffer, Beitradge (Minster, 1862 ), p. 1-66; Schulte, in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, s.v.; Wagenmann, in Herzog's Real-Encyklop. (2d ed.), s.v.; Lichtenberger, Encyclopedic des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B. P.)

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Alger'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​a/alger.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.