Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Encyclopedias
Alscheich, Moses ben-Chajim

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

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one of the most distinguished Jewish commentators and preachers of the 16th century, was born at Safet, in Upper Galilee, about 1520. He was rabbi of his native place, where he died about 1595. "His merits as an exponent of Scripture consist chiefly in his haying simplified the exegetical labors of his predecessors. He generally gives the literal interpretation first, and then endeavors to evolve the recondite and allegorical sense, so that his commentaries may be regarded as a useful synopsis of the various Midrashic and Cabalistic views of Scripture" (Ginsburg). He wrote, תורת משה, a commentary on the Pentateuch (Venice, 1601 and dften):שושנת העמקי, a commentary on the Song of Songs (ibid. 1591): יוב פנינים, a commentary on Proverbs (ibid. 1601): רוממות אל, a commentary on the Psalms (ibid. 1605): עיני משה, a commentary on Ruth (ibid.:1601): משאת משה, a commentary on Esther (ibid. eod.): מראות הצובאות, also פ על תרי עסר , a commentary on the twelve minor prophets (Fiirth, 1765): מראות הצובאות ח א, a commentary on the earlier prophets (Offenbach, 1719): a commentary on the later prophets (Fiirth, 1765): דברים טובים, a commentary: on Ecclesiastes (Venice, 1601): נחומי דברים, a commentary on Lamentations (ibid. eod.):חבצלת השרין, a commentary on Daniel (Amst. 1726): and חלקת מחיקק, a commentary on Job (Jesnitz, 1727 ). See Furst, Bibl. Jud. i, 41 sq.; De' Rossi, Dizionario Storico (Germ. transl.), p. 40 sq.; Kitto, Cyclop. i, 123; Ginsburg, Commentary on Ecclesiastes (London, 1861), p. 73 sq.; Basnage, Histoire des Juifs (Taylor's transl.), p. 704; Etheridge,. Introd. to Heb. Literature, p. 415. (B. P.)

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Alscheich, Moses ben-Chajim'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. https://www.studylight.org/​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​a/alscheich-moses-ben-chajim.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.
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