Bible Encyclopedias
Burditt, Thomas, a.m.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

an English Baptist minister, was born at Leicester, March 8, 1811. He was converted at the age of eighteen, and in 1836 entered Stepney College. He left college in 1840 for his first pastoral charge at Long Sutton. While here he edited for a time the Baptist Record, a monthly periodical of much ability. In 1845 he removed to Zion Chapel, Cambridge, and a few years afterwards succeeded the Rev. N. Haycroft at Saffron Walden. The most fruitful period of his ministry was at Haverfordwest, whither he removed in 1853 to assume the double function of classical tutor in the college and copastor of the Baptist Church at Bethesda. Here he spent thirteen years of earnest and useful labor, when he removed to South Parade Chapel, Tenby, where the chapel soon became too small for the rapidly increasing congregation, and had to be enlarged at two or three different times. In 1871 Mr. Burditt went on a visit to his sons, who had settled in America, and sent over his resignation to Tenby, at the same time accepting a charge at Pine Grove, Nova Scotia. He soon returned to England, however, and again took up his residence at Tenby, ministering occasionally to the Church at Manorbier. In 1875: he accepted the pastorate of Cragg Chapel, Rawdon, where he labored about five years. He announced his resignation early in February, 1881, but before the time of its taking effect had arrived he died, Feb. 20, 1882. See (Lond.) Baptist Hand-book, 1882, p. 296.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Burditt, Thomas, a.m.'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​b/burditt-thomas-am.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.