Bible Encyclopedias
Burgess,william Pennington, a.m.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

an English Wesleyan minister, was born in Liverpool, Dec. 3, 1790, being the son of Rev. Joseph Burgess. He was educated at Kingswood School (1799-1803); was classical instructor in Pocock's Academy in Bristol (1803-11); became private tutor; was received into the ministry in 1842, and labored for forty-two years, chiefly in the west of England; became a supernumerary at Plymouth in 1856; and died July 23, 1868. Mr. Burgess was gifted with superior endowments, an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and untiring industry. He was a solid scholar. Catholicity of principle, inflexible truthfulness, open-handed beneficence, a warm heart, under a cold exterior, and a profound humility, were traits of this useful minister. He published Sermons on the Doctrine, Experience, and Practice of Primitive Christianity (Lond. 1824, 1830; 3d ed. 1836, 12mo):-Essays on the Principles and Doctrines of Christianity: - Wesleyan Hymnology (2d ed. Lond. 1846, 18mo-valuable):-Memoirs of Joseph Burgess (1853):- Occasional Sermons. See Minutes of the British Conference, 1868, p. 37; Wesl. Meth. Magazine,. 1873, p. 481, 577; Everett, Wesleyan Centenary Takings, i, 47; Osborn, Wesl. Bibliog.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Burgess,william Pennington, a.m.'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​b/burgesswilliam-pennington-am.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.