Bible Encyclopedias
Chase, Philander, D.D.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

a bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, was born at Cornish, N. H., Dec. 14th, 1775, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1795. After ordination, he was occupied for about a year and a half as a missionary in the State of New York, extending his services to Utica, Auburn, Canandaigua, and other places. In 1799 he accepted the charge of the Protestant Episcopal churches at Poughkeepsie and Fishkill. He was next appointed to Christ Church, New Orleans, but returned to New England in 1811 to become rector of Christ Church, Hartford, "where he labored with great assiduity, acceptance, and success." His thoughts, however, were directed to the "Great West," and in 1817 he journeyed thither, preaching as he advanced. In May, 1817, he presided at the first meeting of the parishioners of Christ Church, Cincinnati, and became rector at Worthington, Columbus, and Delaware, and accepted also the charge of an academy. In 1819 he was elected bishop of Ohio; in 1821 he became President of Cincinnati College.

Desiring to supply the West with an efficient ministry, he visited England, and received large contributions for education. About 1826 he engaged in the foundation of Kenyon College and the Theological Seminary of Ohio. This assiduity and energy were, however, ill rewarded, for "a stand was taken by the professors of Kenyon College as to the extent of his powers over the institution of which he was the originator; and on the same day, in September, 1831, with his usual magnanimity, he resigned his offices of president and bishop of Ohio." Being now in search of temporary repose, he selected as his residence a place in Illinois, which he named "The Valley of Peace;" engaged here, and on the St. Joseph, Michigan, in missionary labors, and planning for himself a wide circle of visitation, which "invaded no man's diocese, parish, or labors." In 1835 he was elected bishop, of Illinois, and used similar expedients for the interests of his diocese as those which he had before adopted for Ohio. He again visited England, and collected nearly $10,000 for this purpose. In 1838 he laid the foundation of Jubilee College, and shortly after visited Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, and South Carolina, where he received liberal contributions. His colleges were subsequently better endowed, and his own circumstances rendered easy, if not comfortable; and thus, towards his latter end, "the smiles of Providence beamed on his broad philanthropy and indomitable perseverance." He died Sept. 20th, 1852. His published works are: A Plea for the West (1826); The Star in the West. or Kenyon College (1828); Defence of Kenyon College, Ohio (1831); Reminiscences: An Autobiography, comprising a History of the principal Events in the Author's Life to 1847 (1848, 2 vols. 8vo). Sprague, Annals, 5:45.1; Bp. Chase's Reminiscences, an Autobiography to A.D. 1847 (2 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1848).

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Chase, Philander, D.D.'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​c/chase-philander-dd.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.