Bible Encyclopedias
Cleland, Thomas D.D.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

an eminent Presbyterian divine, was born in Fairfax County, Va., May 22, 1778, and removed to Marion County, Ky., in 1789. Having developed extraordinary gifts as an exhorter in the great revival of 1801, he was urged by the Presbytery of Transylvania to become a preacher, and was licensed April 14,1803. His first charge was Union Church, in Washington County. In 1813 he was settled over New Providence and Cane Run (now Harrodsburg) churches, where he labored during the rest of his life with remarkable success, being blessed with numerous revivals. He was one of the most popular and useful preachers in Kentucky. Sixteen young men studied divinity under him. He was appointed one of the synodical commission in the Cumberland Presbyterian difficulties. Dr. Cleland was withal a diligent student, and wielded his pen with signal ability against the Newlights and Campbellites. His principal printed works, besides Occasional Sermons, were, A brief History of the Action of the Synod in the Case of the Cumberland Presbyterians (1823, p. 29, 8vo): The Socini-Arian Detected (1815, p. 101, 12mo):Unitarianism Unmasked (1825, p. 184,12mo): Narrative of the Bodily Exercises, in Bibl. Repertory for July, 1834: Letters on Campbellism: A Hymn-book, for prayer-meetings and revivals, extensively used in the West. Dr. Cleland died Jan. 31,1858, in the eightieth year of his age Davidson's Hist. Presb. Ch. in Kentucky, p. 354; Memoirs, compiled from private Papers, by Prof. Humphrey and Rev. Thos. H. Cleland.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Cleland, Thomas D.D.'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​c/cleland-thomas-dd.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.