Bible Encyclopedias

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


We add the following particulars:

"The chief peculiarity of their churches in France was a large ante- church for penitents. The transept was usually without aisles; but St. Bernard, in 1127, inveighed against the luxury, the enormous height, excessive breadth, empty space, and sumptuous ornament of their-churches. The dress of the order was a black frock, a pelisse, a hood of lamb's wool, red hose, a while woollen tunic, and black scapular: and in choir, copes of linen: in cloister and refectory, a white pall; and in limes of labor a white scapular. Their first churches, like those of Cistercians, were dedicated to St. Mary; their rule was a composition of those of St. Benedict and St. Augustine. They prohibited the use of organs, and all superfluous carving and pictures, 1)at allowed painted crosses of wood.

In England their churches were very irregular in plan. At length they became tile most luxurious order in their mode of living; and Peter of Clugny upbraids them with their extravagance in no measured terms. Some of their monasteries were double, composed of men and women. The early peculiarities of their rule were, the dipping of the eucharist in the chalice; the use of furs for the sick or delicate; admission of novices before a year's probation: the reception of a fugitive monk, after three cases of offence: absence of manual labor, and the custom for abbots to dine always with the brethren. The Clugniacs wore a cowl of scarlet cloth, to show their readiness to shed their blood for the sake of Christ. 'They slept in their shirts. They had three or four courses at dinner, two being regarded as a caritas, and shared among two monks; electuaries, spiced and perfumed, and delicate cooking were used: the abbot entertained his guests, and ally monks whom he invited, in the hall. Women might enter the monastery; and convents Of nuns were placed under the rule of the abbots; the bishop appointed and deposed them, and acted as visitor in difficult cases. No manual labor was practiced, and conversation was freely allowed. The churches were beautifully and richly adorned; incense was much used, and the ceremonial was elaborate. The guests' feet were not washed, but in lieu three poor men were admitted to the lavanda. After vigils they returned to sleep in their dormitory. Their houses were built in populous places."

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'CLUGNIACS.'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​c/clugniacs.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.