Bible Encyclopedias
Engelhardt, Moritz von

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born July 8, 1828, at Dorpat, where he also completed his theological studies. Being advised by his teachers, Philippi, Th. Harnack, and K.F. Keil, to pursue an academical career, he went to Erlangen, where he attended the lectures of Hofmann, Thomasius, and Delitzsch; then to Bonn, where Rothe and Dorner were his teachers, and finally to Berlin, where Hengstenberg lectured. Thus prepared, he returned to his native city, taking the magister-degree by presenting his monograph on Valentin Ernst Loscher nach seinem Leben und Wirken (Dorpat, 1853; 2d ed. 1856), and commenced his lectures as a privat-docent. In 1855 he was appointed professor of Church history, and in the following year was made doctor of theology on presenting his De Tentatione Christi. In 1864 he published his Schenkel und Strauss, Zwei Zeugen der Wahrheit, and in 1878 Das Christenthum Justins des Martyrers (Erlangen; reviewed in Schurer's Theol. Literaturzeitung, 1878, 632 sq.). In 1880 his Sermons, delivered at the university church, were published, and in 1881 Die ersten Versuche zur Aufrichtung des wahren Christenthums in einer Gemeinde der Heiligen (Riga). He died December 5, 1881. See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B.P.)

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Engelhardt, Moritz von'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​e/engelhardt-moritz-von.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.