Bible Encyclopedias
Hofer, Joseph Anton

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

a German Roman Catholic priest, born at Kastelruth May 19, 1742, was educated at the University of Innspruck. In 1765 he was made priest, in 1722 professor of rhetoric and prefect of the Gymnasium at Brix, and in 1776 professor of ecclesiastical law; here he remained, with an interruption of four years only, which he spent at Innspruck, until the discontinuance of the school in 1807, when he was pensioned, retaining, however, the title of an ecclesiastical councilor (Rath) of the government. He died in 1820. Hofer contributed several articles to periodical literature. Of his published works, Conspectus Juris eccles. publici (Brixen, 1781, 4to) entitles him to a position in theological literature. Hofer published several sermons which are of superior merit. Of these the following are perhaps the best: Ermahnungsrede am Titularfeste Mariä (ib. 1793, 8vo): Kunstgriffe frommer Eltern z. Erziehung wohlgesitt. Kinder (ib. 1794, 8vo): Untrü gliches Kennzeichen d. sittlich. Aufersteh. (ibid. 1798, 8vo). Dö ring, Gelehrten Theolog. Deutschl. 1, 746.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Hofer, Joseph Anton'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​h/hofer-joseph-anton.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.