Bible Encyclopedias
Hofstede de Groot, Peter (2)

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

a distinguished Dutch theologian, was born October 8, 1802, at Leer, in East Frisia. In 1826 he was preacher in the Reformed Church, in 1829 professor at the university in Groningen, but resigned his professorship in 1872. He died August 27, 1884. Hofstede was the head of the so-called "Groningen school," the adherents of which called themselves the "Evangelicals." They represent the theologico-ecclesiastical middle-party, between the "Liberals" and the "Orthodox," and their organ, Waarheid in Liefde, edited by Hofstede de Groot, Pareau, and Van Oordt (1837-72), is the best exponent of this school. With Pareau, de Groot published, Encyclopaedia Theologi Christiani (1840; 3d ed. 1851), and Dogmatica et. Apologetica Christiana (1845). His own works are, Theologia Naturalis (1834; 4th ed. 1861): Institutiones Historiae Ecclesiae Christi (1835): Opvoeding der Menschheid (1847): Kort Overzigt van de Leer der Zonde (1856): Over de evangelisch-catholicke Godgeleerdheid asde Godgeleerdheid der Toekomst (eod.): Het Evangelie der Apostelen tegenover de Twifelingengen de Wijsheid der Wereld (1861): Basilides, als erster Zeuge fiur alter und Autoritdt neutestamentlicher, Schriften (1868): Oud-catholicke Bevmejung in het Licht der Kerkgeschzedenis (1877). See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1:577; Brockhaus, Conversations-Lexikon, 13th ed. s.v. (B.P.)

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Hofstede de Groot, Peter (2)'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​h/hofstede-de-groot-peter-2.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.