Bible Encyclopedias
Hombergk Zu Vach, Johann Friedrich

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

A learned jurist, born at Marburg April 15, 1673, was educated at the University of Utrecht. He visited England, remaining for some time in London, Oxford, and Cambridge, and formed an intimate acquaintance with Richard Bentley. He died April 20, 1748. In addition to works on professional topics, he published, as the result of his private study of the New Testament, Parerga Saca sen interpretatio succincta et nova quorundam textuum Novi Testamenti (Ultraj. 1708, 8vo), and enlarged and improved under the title Parerga Sacra seu. observationes quaedam ad Novum Testamentum (Ultraj. 1712, 4to). The criticisms contained in this work were attacked by Elsner, and defended by the author's son, Emilius Ludwig, also a jurist J. H. Hombergk zu Vach Parerga sacra ab impugnationibus J. Elsneri vindicata (Marb. 1739, 4to), replied to by a relative of Elsner: Brevem Hombergianarum vindicarum adv. J. Elsnerum profligationem (Berlin, 1742, 4to). "Hombergk takes a medium position between the Hebraists and the Purists." Kitto, Bibl. Cyclop. 2, 319; Bucher, Gel. Lex. 2, 1686.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Hombergk Zu Vach, Johann Friedrich'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​h/hombergk-zu-vach-johann-friedrich.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.